How To Get Leads To Your Online Business – Increase Sales With Emails

The very most important thing in starting an online business is how you get your customers come back once they’ve already visited your website and the way it’s done is by setting up a capture page in other to collect the contacts/emails of your customers/visitors. By so doing you get the chance and the advantage to promote to them any offer you’re promoting on your website/online store afterwards. There are many ways to get a catchy and beautiful capture page ready to go, and there’s only one reliable source that we can recommend to you if you’re willing to boost your online store/website’s income and that’s the GetResponse online marketing software for all small businesses.

Getting leads or emails of your prospects is an essential part for every small business online, remember that the only way we’re going to get more sales is to keep them coming back or giving our prospects/clients the possibility to see a potential offer we’re promoting on multiple occasions. This is where many people miss out(getting them to come back) and if you were not already doing this and you’re already complaining about how to get more sale or how to get leads to your online business, at least today by the end of this post you’ll have a whole new way to promote your online business and get more sales as well.



The Very Best Way To Save Your Online Business From Collapsing

The GetResponse is a marketing software platform that helps majority of the online marketers to boost sales and traffic with their contents or products they’re offering to their audience. It’s also the very best place to get more resources to set a successful email marketing campaign that delivers(more sales). Within it comes all these integrations thus email marketing, autoresponders and landing pages which lets you set a successful automated campaign to collect leads or sales even when you’re not around or sleeping.

Also, if you’re already a member of the following websites, get in mind that you’re not left out as it integrates with WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, Etsy, Salesforce, Magento, Paypal, Stripe, Bigcommerce, PrestaShop, Slack, Facebook etc. All to get more closer to you and your customers with the best payment platforms, shops or websites you might be already part of. Aside from these it’s intelligent/advanced analytics makes sure that it tracks your conversions, leads and ROI properly no matter where you’re getting your leads(clients/customers) thereby studying their behaviour in other for you to know what works best for you and what to do anytime you set up a new campaign.


More Benefits To All Users Even With The Free Trial Membership

As a small business owner, capital for your business is everything most especially when you want to learn how to get leads to your online business as well as trusting the platform you’ll be getting yourself involved with. And because of this the GetResponse platform is offering a free 30days trial(no credit card required) and a money back guarantee after you become a paid member. In addition to what you’ll be getting a free member are as follows;



  • Unlimited Email Marketing
  • Space For up to 1000 contacts
  • Top-converting landing pages
  • Marketing Automation
  • Highly Engaging Webinars
  • Webforms and Surveys
  • Advanced analytics and testing tools
  • Automated sales, lead and webinar funnels

And with that been listed, you can see that the GetResponse marketing platform has even more to offer for it’s free users in other to have a successful campaign, tracking etc. going on with a free membership. This should tell you the available resources you can be getting access to once you become a paid member in terms of its premium templates and support, which is a recommendation as a small business owner trying to boost your sales/income.

More Added Features To Track Your Daily Conversions

As a GetResponse user there’s a high possibility for you to track everything you’re doing online most especially with your online traffic(leads) in other to see what’s working for you as well as your best geo targeted areas. This is very important and it helps you a lot in knowing very well the type of audience you should target daily to become successful with your email campaigns thus boosting sales/revenue. And because the GetResponse marketing platform gets all these features covered up for you, you’ll start to learn/know more details about your prospects in terms of age/gender which attracts more sales into your small online business.

And most importantly you’ll start to perform very well with your leads because it targets the right audience and more in particularly your keywords will be more clear to you than ever. Below is a brief detail of how it all looks like to start driving sales to your business.

  1. Under the Email Marketing feature are newsletters which has the potential of allowing you to send a one-time email broadcast announcing your newly updates/offers.

– An Autoresponder that nurture subscribers through automated follow-up emails, most in particularly when you’re not around, you just set everything on base on time/date and all of your automated email campaigns will be taken cared of.

Automated emails These are trigger emails that are sent automatically after purchases, abandoned carts, website visits, and more(you can edit and put in your best words to be sent to your customers/prospects).

Segment-specific sends Get higher engagement rates through highly-targeted recipient groups.

Perfectly-timed emails Your emails land in the right inbox, at the right time with our Perfect Timing and Time Travel delivery tools.

Automated blog digests Increase your blog’s reach and share posts via email and on social media.

2. Conversion funnel this right here is highly recommend and you can look for more details after signing up,

  • Sales funnel
  • Lead magnet funnel

3. Landing pages, Marketing automation, Webinars, Signup forms, Facebook Ads among many other features you’ll soon find out.

* Aside of all these features that is available to you, the GetResponse email marketing platform in addition also offers a 30 days free trial with no credit card required.


Learning Email Marketing Via Webinars Available On The Platform

The way forward now is all about how you’re dedicated to improve your the revenue on your small business(website or online store). You’ll be getting supportive webinars(online lessons) about email marketing and how to implement it correctly in other to step up with your online marketing business. One of the most important thing here we want you to know about email marketing is that, once you’re able to acquire a lead(customer/client) they become your own personal asset and you can get them coming back to check out about some new things you got going on for example a product launch/new offers etc.

Statistic also shows that a single lead(email) values around a $100 in terms of the acquisition rate a prospect or client can bring to your table. And because of this more online marketers highly recommend building an email list as soon as you can if you want to succeed online or with your online business because it’s the only asset that we can trust as marketers to build a successful business thus getting more sales. This is why we recommend to you to follow up with the available webinars here at the GetResponse email marketing platform to learn more about how to get leads to your online business anytime you need them.


Building A Business Portfolio With The Available Resources Provided

As we’ve already talked about briefly previously, our email list is the fundamentals in growing our online business and if we truly want to become successful in leveraging our business to the next level, we can’t also neglect the fact that without growing our customer base list “email list”, we can’t have a strong hold in doing business online. By starting today with a free 30days trial(no credit card required) you can start to receive leads(customers) from the traffic you’re receiving on a daily basics, helping you to get more sales because you can do a lot more when you have your own buyers list.

Also, more information/tutorial about email marketing is always provided with the GetResponse webinars so make sure you check them out after signing up. And without wasting much of your time here in getting started you can click on any link or image on this page to start ASAP !

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