How To Earn An Extra Income On The Internet – Get More Sales To Etsy

There are many people out there with a lot of ambition and determination to make a very good income from the internet but lack the resources/information to guide them through to become successful and to achieve their goals. Well, we know you’re one of them and you’re here to learn personally how to earn an extra income on the internet particularly with Etsy without getting misled. We’re bringing to you the best way to establish a successful online store like Etsy without struggling with traffic or getting sales to the crafts or works you’re promoting. And looking at things a lot of people haven’t figured it out yet, not to talk about getting a first sale with their online shop.

But we can make a lot of changes for you in terms of getting your shop running with the right audience you’re suppose to be targeting to your Etsy shop. Which means that you’ll be taking your marketing to a whole new level if you can implement rightfully the tools we’re about to reveal to you and it’s also what the top marketers are using to take a lead ahead of everyone doing the same thing(competitors). Below is a more detailed information on the tools to use if you truly want your Etsy shop to succeed the way you want it with more sales and customers who eventually return back to check up on your newly updated products.

The Correct Strategy To Funnel The Right Audience Into Your Shop

The Etsy platform as you already know is one of the biggest online selling platform for all sort of creative artist both digital and physical ones which gives a lot of opportunity for artists to show case their crafts/works to a global audience like you already know. At the same time most of the creative artists like yourself(maybe) don’t get enough sales like they’re suppose to be getting and it’s all because of the algorithms of the Etsy platform which makes it a hard time for artists to rank their products in the top search even when you target the right keywords.

And without a doubt you can have a profitable Etsy shop by channelling your traffic through your own website but first and foremost you have to learn about SEO and how it flourishes every online business if you use it right. This and many more information is what you’ll be learning about later on this page if you stick to this page to find out more.

Now that you get into SEO you’ll now get the power to drive all your audience/customers through a funnel and thus an opt-in page which gives you the opportunity to collect leads(emails) which becomes something like your asset because you get to promote your future products(crafts/works) to those customers who opt-in through your website. This is why it’s more important to build a personal email list because every lead you get can convert into hundreds of dollars depending on what you promote to your audience(email subscribers).

The above said is the secret of most online entrepreneurs(Etsy sellers) and they use to dominate over their competitors which you too can start here by using the world’s best email marketing tool called the GetResponse email marketing tool. It allows you to grow your audience, promote services, and sell your own products with their marketing tool which does all the hard work for you. This includes features like email marketing, conversion funnels, landing pages, webinars etc. All with a free 30 day trial(no credit card required) if you sign up today.

Taking Charge Of Your Own Branded Website To Succeed In Selling

As we’ve previously made it know to you, Etsy’s platform controls the major part of their website and because of that you cannot be so much competitive in selling your crafts/works if you do not build a branded website of your products and redirect the traffic you’ll be getting to your Etsy shop. This makes a lot of sense because now you can rank directly in the Google search engine for keywords of your choice which will eventually pull tons of visitors to your online store through your branded website then Etsy.

You can learn all the above on how to earn an extra income on the internet by learning how to set up an online business(Etsy in our case) and start implementing it immediately if you join the best platform for entrepreneurs for both beginners and advanced called the Wealthy Affiliate online marketing platform. The good news in joining this online programme is that you get to sign up for free(no credit card required) for the next 30 days.

Other benefits includes a course of 50 lessons to build your knowledge in the online marketing field and also more in particularly, you’ll learn how to rank for every single keyword of choice and thus becoming very competitive with your competitors in terms of sales and conversions.

Ensuring The Safetiness Of The Traffic On Your Branded Website

Now that you know how you’re going to get your website set up now it’s time to also learn how to monitor every traffic you’ll be receiving on your site whether it’s a good one or a bad one. There’re two types of traffic when it comes to SEO and that’s organic traffic(free) and paid traffic. Both of these traffic methods works equally in terms of getting visitors to your shop(website) except that with the organic traffic you can’t geo target a specific location for your traffic which with the paid traffic you can geo target any location you want.

And if you want to go the fast way and eventually get traffic fast, you might eventually want to use the paid traffic method which will involve you paying for visitors to your online shop. Some of which includes Google ads, Bing ads, Solo Ads etc. and you might also want to monitor the clicks/visitors which is also very important as about 52% of online traffic isn’t human but bot traffic.

The best tool to use for this problem is the ClickMagick(link tracker) monitoring tool which ensures to filter through it every traffic you receive on to your online store. This makes a very good sense because it provides you with a 24/7/365 link monitor, bot filter, click fraud protection on your online shop and also saves you a lot of money particularly when you’re trying out a new solo ad vendor. You can also split test different landing pages also to see which one gets you the most traffic and thus increasing your conversion rates(sales). In addition you’ll be given a free 14-day trial to test out this wonderful tool before you register for the monthly plan.


Linking Up The Secret Tools To Become Successful As Wanted

At this point you can see the importance of following this step by step process we’ve outlined on this page for a successful Etsy shop or even how to earn an extra income on the internet without getting scammed. The choice is yours to decided whether you want to win or not but one programme you can’t neglect in all what we’ve said is the Wealthy Affiliate online platform for entrepreneurs of all types. This is the starting point of all what we’ve listed for you to following and implement the rest of the processes(email responder, link tracking tools) as you go by each and everyday through the Wealthy Affiliate programme to establish a well performing online shop for Etsy.

Your Final Step To Getting Started With The Programme/Tools

Now that you know how to earn an extra income on the internet with an Etsy shop by signing up for the Wealthy Affiliate programme as well as getting access to all the tools you’ll need to support yourself and drive more traffic or more sales to your Etsy shop(website). We surely know that you’re going to take advantage of this opportunity without letting it slide away because you’ve made it this far to not skip away(it’s necessary if you take action). It’s all a win-win opportunity for your online business and how you can target properly your online visitors and finally concluding a sale at the end for your Etsy Shop.

Meanwhile at the other side, tracking/monitoring every movement going on your online shop in terms of traffic and its quality(getting more sales) etc. And without wasting much time you can use any link/image on this page to get started immediately !

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