There comes a time i everyone’s daily life where we feel explodingly excited about the things we could do to better our current financial status. Most often in times we start doing that one thing which could be done performing or going on this routine but then quit at the middle of our journey.
I started this my site “Home Grown Incomes” some years ago and i haven’t looked back to justify what i’ve accomplished & not. It has always been about this goal settings i made from day one & have consistently stick onto it knowing it’s the only thing i can do to better my current status or my future self for a sense of accomplishment.
Becoming a good goal planner can determine also how bad you want it because it’s easy to fascinate about your goals after you’ve set them but a true dedicated one will put in action to make it happen.
I remember having these goal of becoming an internet marketer way back in 2013, i will binge all night watching YouTube videos, Webinars as well as researching on Affiliate marketing topics in between. Even though i knew very well that the next morning i should be up early for class i still persisted on this new dream & ambition and did it anyway.
Often times after school i’ll jump onto my laptop and off i go, doing what i planned to do until at times forget to eat or even sleep the entire night. Dozing in class wasn’t what i was concerned about but what excited me most was my plans getting fulfilled.
Break All Barriers of Laziness With Visible Cards on The Wall
Having or staying always as a good goal planner also means that you’ll always need yourself to be reminded and failure to do so can lethally caused the destruction of your entire empire. Motivation is what keeps people like us going and to want your goals manifest so bad also means that you’ll want to get reminded like i said.
Sticking at a visible sight your plans or goals with a memo card sticker is the best habit i’ll recommend for you. Of course, there’re some goal settings that you’ll want to jot down in a book that’s pretty fine but always remember the simple ones to take action/suppose to be done need to be written & stick on a wall where you can often see.
Deciding not to do what you’ve planned is also fine but once you see everyday(stickers) what you could have done & didn’t acted upon, you’ll immediately feel yourself esteem down and on a contrary an upliftment to achieve or get more done.
It’s funny how simple this is but works awesome and perfectly to push you towards the goals you’ve set for your personal development. I personally stick this memo on my wall and it goes like ” Call me a punk if i skip a day” and you can tell that i don’t want to be called or be a punk so i kept working on my daily goals as i’ve set them.
Put same habits into action & see how your life will turn around drastically after a month or a year pouring in on your goals and plans.
The False Truth About Immediate Gratification
There’s one simple but complex question to ask you and that’s how bad do you want your goals to manifest and this in terms of the years that you can endure to follow up with your pattern(plans). Most people act as if they want it so bad but after a couple months they quit on their dreams failing to make those plans work.
On a real important note, becoming a good goal planner is realizing to the fact that everything doesn’t happen all of a sudden and depending on the plans you’ve made towards your goals somethings it’ll require you to change both physically and mentally to have the know how in achieving your plans.
They call this one philosophy from the far east(China) the Chinese bamboo tree which takes a whopping 5years of watering and fertilization before the seeds breaks down from the soil. Once it’s done it grows up high 90-feet tall which is a reflection of how long we can be planning & working towards our goals until that one day comes and it’s all was worth it.
With planning out your goals and knowing now perfectly about this philosophy i know you can have a reason to grind more and work towards whatever makes sense in your life as an achievement or success.
And with all that been said make sure to click the link down below for more about getting the bag using the right resources now !